Ability to join factions

    Jul 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    I am unaware of whether this has been said before but I think it would be great if we could join with pirates or the trading guild.

    If you joined with the piurates you could be sent on missions to do thing such as destroy enemy cargo ships or raid shops. Of course you would be able to use a black market type shop which costs moe than normal shops but has access to unique items or large quantites of rare stuff. You could also have access to the full network of pirate bases or raid them as a rival faction.

    The trading guild may on the other hand send you to eliminate pirate attackers or destroy a pirate base.

    While I realise this may be farfetched in the current version I think it would be good as an update in the far future as I feel it would be good for those of us not currently playing on a multiplayer server.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    On the CoopY interview schmea said that this is unlikely but that he might introduce a feature to bribe/hire pirates
    Apr 25, 2013
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    These are NPC Factions. They were created for NPCs only. They are not meant for players. You can create your own faction of pirates.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    Aside from that, I think StarMade will eventually gonna need some sort of reputation rationg for a player and factions (per player average), that would determine how different NPC factions react to presence of those subjects. Although it still too early for that, since right now you can\'t even make a non-faction player your enemy without considering all neutrals being enemy and risking your turrets blowing your own ships for no apparent reason.