Ability to exclude certain types from selection in navigation filter

    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    When you check docked and leave turrets unchecked in navigation filter, both docked ships and turrets which are technically docked are shown. This gets annoying when trying to select a ship core in a large base/on a ship with lots of turrets on them. So I suggest that another option to be added that excludes that category, this can be chosen by clicking the checkbox for the category one more time after it is checked, it will be indicated by a red cross

    Rough Example:
    In the example docked is checked and turrets are excluded and planetparts are unchecked, this results in planetparts not being shown entirely, docked ships that are not turrets to be shown, and turrets to not be shown in HUD. With the current systems you would have docked checked and turrets unchecked but turrets will still show because they are technically docked

    Pardon the huge cross, should be a small nice looking cross that fits in the box nicely. Imgur doesnt have smaller brush sizes
    Sep 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Tester
    • Legacy Citizen
    like this.png

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    I'm not sure what problem you are having. When I have docked ticked, but turrets are off, the turrets don't show up for me