A suggestion for mass undocking

    Jul 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    My suggestion is to add a way to undock two or more docked ships at the same time. The way I would do this is by adding a block that can be hot-keyed (like weapon computers) and once activated, would undock all connected docking stations. Docking stations can be connected by the simple C and V keys where you apply C to the undocker and the V to the docking blocks.

    Why this is useful/good for the game

    This adds a small buff to carriers as they can now undock their fighters in flights or all at once (a flight is a subdivision of a squadron) instead of launching ten at a time with macros (it is possible albeit not fun to set up). With efficiency, you can dump your fighters to defend your ship or leave an ambush. Its uses are limited but add a better way to use carriers and freighters.

    Potential problems

    - Ridiculous amounts of docked objects being deployed at the same time with the intention to cause server lag. | Possible solution: Server config option controlling the amount that can be deployed at the same time (-1 as a value would make it so that you could have an infinite amount attached, 0 would disable the feature entirely)

    - spam of drones with intention to troll or grief | Possible Solution: use turrets, this is an uncontrollable event.

    Did I miss something? Misspell something? Want to add something? Go ahead and post below. PLEASE use constructive criticism in your posts. Thank you for reading.

    EDIT: suggestion does appear to not have been suggested before, that or the suggestion contains words other than "mass" and "undocking".

    EDIT #2: eeg brought to my attention that the idea was posted in his/her thread yesterday


    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I wholly support this idea.

    I had much the same idea and posted it in my thread just yesterday.
    Jul 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    I will put in the OP that it has been indeed suggested before.
    Aug 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    This, among other things involving automation, would fit well with the ideas about a \"computer block\" that you can load various programs into.
    Jul 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    My suggestion is geared more towards those with less knowledge of programming than other players. Could this be accomplished with programmable computers? Yes. Are programmable computers non-programmer friendly? You guess. I was thinking of KISS. I do like the idea of a programmable computer in this game (formation fly-bys ftw). The suggestion I have is no more complex than place, connect, activate.

    BTW a suggestion has already been made about programmable computers and them having. A simpler UI for those who do not know how to program.
    Jul 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    Bump. If nobody else comments, I will just let it die :(...

    even saying +1 is good enough for me.