A suggestion about AI, specifically Bobby

    Jun 20, 2013
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    As we all know, the Bobby AI is fairly good at what it can do, but its fairly limited ( and slightly buggy but alpha is alpha) what i'm about to suggest is an improvement to the Bobby Ai block, not a new block but just a change to the current one.

    New abilities for Ship AI (explanations will be below)

    • Follow mode
    • Escort
    • Home
    • Patrol

    These are all for the SHIP AI mode, so if turret is selected these do not appear or do not function.

    Follow mode is fairly straightforward, it like most other options would be a check box, but when clicked it opens up a scrollable box similar to the navigation panel but it only displays ships in the same sector, you would use this to designate a ship that the AI should follow at all costs. This also plays into...

    Escort mode, which is just a check box that appears when follow mode is selected, if you also check off escort then the AI will do everything it can to protect what it's following, or destroy it if its an enemy faction. including ( if its possible for it to do this) physically sit in the way of projectiles if the protectee's shields drop below a certain point.

    Home, is a selectable box that appears if follow mode is off, this allows you to set an Ai's home, such as a ship, station, planet, asteroid, sector, or even a shop, from a scrollable box that lists all objects in that sector. An AI will do everything in it's power to protect it's home and if it ever gets drawn away, like by combat or being pushed, it will do everything it can to get BACK to its home, no matter how far away it is.

    Patrol, when checked brings up 2 boxes and an Add button, the two boxes are for typing in the coordinates of a sector, such as 2,2,2 and 3,2,2 this when activated will cause the AI to patrol back and forth between those two sectors regardless of their distance to each other. The Add button adds a third coordinate box to the list, and can be used to make patrol routes even more complex, up to 5 coordinates can be entered for patrols. (5 is just a random number, could be anything)

    New settings for Turret AI

    • Fire if fired upon
    • Target Allied
    • Target Neutral
    • Target asteroids ( possibly planets as well)

    Fire if fired upon, would make a turret passive until either it, the mothership ( or station) or another turret is fired upon, at this point all turrets set to this mode will attempt to destroy whatever is attacking it, with whatever weapon they've been given ( this plays into something i'll get to in a bit)

    Target Allied, allows the construction of support turrets such as power supply beam turrets, or even repair turrets, this could be used to great effect for large carriers that rely on fleets of fighters and frigates to do their work ( with the addition of the escort mode from earlier of course) because i mean when was the last time ANYONE used the power supply beam? i've never seen one installed on anything.

    Target Neutral, Do i really need to explain this one? for the people who believe war is black and white, there are only good and evil, no neutral. Also pirates.

    Target Asteroids, this could be used to make mining turrets because always aiming at your mouse is slightly annoying. And with these just cruising by an asteroid could net you some valuable stuff.

    Finally i come to the section of things that im sure everyone can agree need to be fixed, and these will probably be fixed regardless of what i say here.

    Smarter AI for weapon loadouts, because as the AI is now, they can only use AMC arrays and that limits them quite severely, an AI should be able to detect what kind of weapons it has and how to use them, for example if you build a battering ram ship with dis-integrators on it, it should figure out how to use that is by ramming the enemy. This also plays into things like Smart mines, that home in on enemies when they get close, if an ai finds that it has a cloaker, and a radar jammer, it should try and use them, and if it has the power to sustain it indefinitely it should. Also if we put missiles onto a ship the AI just doesn't understand how to use them, same thing with the various beams.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Haven\'t had much time to play the latest patch, but yesterday I got heat seeker missiles on my face while duelling with a pirate flying a cruiser I\'ve designed... Seems like they can shoot them now.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    that wasn\'t in any patch notes i saw, but sweet thats at least one type of missile they can handle.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    And finally, I suggest \"Escort\" mode, where the AI rams into the target as hard as possible ;)
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I agree with all these suggestions. Especially \"Home\" in ship mode(because I\'m one lazy person.).
    Also, I can confirm AI\'s do have the ability to fire missiles now.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    I think this would work pretty well with this idea:
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Wait.. D1000\'s don\'t work on turrets? My whole ship is pointless now.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    If a thread has only a couple of posts, read them before answering.

    Jun 25, 2013
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    I think the biggest hassle atm is incapability of activating/deactivating your turrets while controlling the mother ship. Having 18 turrets which run amok because their is a station 1k away although they are too stupid to hit them and beeing unable to stop them firing while you are mining an asteroid makes me freak out.

    The only way to stop it right now is leaving the ship and deactivating every single AI and later activate it again. And the \"target for aimed entity\" won\'t fix it since they don\'t stop firing if you clear your target.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    i agree i would also like a way to link a bobby AI ship with a dock so that it will return to it\'s \"home\" when threats are eleminated. (pretty much what you already said, but i want it to include docking to said home if possible)
    Jun 29, 2013
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    I agree with all of this, and actually came to the forum to find something like this or post it myself. I am glad you put it as clearly and completly as you did, as I would not have done so.

    I just wanted to add, the missile targeting and the friendly fire issues are not yet resolved with the AI, and I would really like some kind of linking for the AI modules and their host ship/station/faction.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    YES!! definately! especially for the turrets.. i like the turrets for quite i while then they derped on me.. they failed to target.. they wouldn\'t activate. nothing! so all this would be great.. especially the target allys with the power supply beam.. this would be great for multiplayer :D and i may also be useful in other ways..
    Jul 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    This is excatly what I was thinking. This needs to be seen. But take in note, the devs might of already noticed the extreme lack of content the A.I module lacks. But reguardless, nice idea.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    I think that remote activation and deacivation are needed as well. it gets tiresome to get out of my 8k mass ship, float over to the turret, get to the turret and activate it if my friend got in it quick or if i entered it, so on so forth, then need to float all the way back over to my core. It is tedious and costs me so much time for something so simple. also maybe an player input where you could put someones name and bobby won\'t shoot them, regardless of his AI programming.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    The option I would use the most would be follow mode, I would build a large destroyer and surround it with other smaller ships. It would be awesome if you could see pirates doing that as well, if a ship has a certain amount of blocks that it would be considered to be large, the other smaller pirate ships would swarm that large ship and follow it. Giving the pirates an actual purpose and not just having them there just floating in space either by themselves or just two pirates. Having several follow one ship can make battling pirates a bit more interesting.