A shop block and turret friendly fire

    Jul 22, 2013
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    I’m very new to starmade (2 weeks or so of game play) and from what I have seen this game is amazing.

    Ok as for my suggestions, could there be a shop block added that could be put on to ships/stations.

    It can have the exact same lay out as the current shop, just players can put items into it with a price tag, then other players can buy from it. This can create a nice in game economy For factions. It would also make massive ships\stations more of group thing as Meany people could all be running around in it, buying and selling stuff they have created/mined.

    It would be better than one guy in his huge dreadnought-mother-ship-thing all alone , It be a another reason for more ppl to one ship or station.

    My second suggestion is could turrets be given a better look at and this is why. I play this game with a friend of mine (he introduced me to the game)and he has a very large ship with countless turrets on it. wanting to be safe from pirates I thought it would be a good idea to construct my ship next to his, as the turrets would kill off the unwanted intruders. Half way into my construction pirates attacked us, all was going well until one of the pirates moved to the side of me, putting me directly in-between my friends ship and him. The turrets then proceeded to rip my half constructed ship apart.

    I not sure what to say to fix this issue it’s just that in large fleet battles there will be a lot of friendly fire from turrets, unless something is done about it.

    Thanks for reading!
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Use faction modules on your ship and your friends and make a faction.

    also you could put your ship underneath it.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Look, i know you havent played for a long time, but faction blocks are the way to go (dont forget to put them on your turrets as well!)
    Jul 22, 2013
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    so you cant damage people with in your faction if they have a faction balock on their ship?
    Jul 22, 2013
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    that dosent really help me then. if i get between a pirate craft and my friends turrets ill still get shot.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Yes, but if you have a proper ship you wont just sit their and get attacked, does noone know about combat in this game?
    Jul 22, 2013
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    think you missing the point bud, the problem is friendly turrets will try shoot through you to get the baddy on the other side. thats my greef with AI turrets.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    yes, but if pirates are running around and attacking, you do not sit there and say \"hi there\" you either fight back or run the hell out of their.
    Jul 22, 2013
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    you kind of going off topic here, anyway there are Meany situations where running away isn’t going to help.

    My situation for example.

    1 I under the protection of my friends larger ship so I didn’t see the need to run or fight.

    2 my ship was half built and could not fly off anyway

    and in massive fleet battles the larger ships with turrets are going to keep blowing each of their buddy’s up trying to hit small fighters that hide between every one. if you just one person maybe your logic is acceptable but i plan on playing with more than one person in the future of this game.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I believe an answer to a previous question was incorrect: If ships of the same faction have activated faction blocks onboard, they cannot shoot eachother. This extends to turrets, definitely, and I\'m pretty sure it extends to ships piloted by other players.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    ... that faction blocks do not stop your ship\'s turrets from hitting and depleting the shields of a friendly station. I\'m not certain about hitting friendly ships, but I\'d guess the game would handle them in the same way.

    However, the point here being that the AI badly needs some line-of-sight and friend-foe improvements, so it doesn\'t stubbornly try to shoot through whatever happens to be between it and the target, especially if that \"between\" is either friendly or just too big to get through. While a massive battleship might even get through a planet in one or two shots, an Isanth-VI definitely won\'t in a lifetime... it would be a massive improvement to just track the last few shots and switch targets if it can\'t get LOS for say five or ten seconds. If you wouldn\'t want that, there\'s always \"aim at my target\".

    Regarding player-owned shops, they are a planned feature.