a (not so) simple list of suggestions

    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    hello everyone.

    Ive been playing this game for about a week now. For being in alpha, this game is pretty well set up for future content. Its been a great game to just sink all my free time in. I want to just list out some suggestions and ideas about game features that i like and don't like.

    i want more building tools. the advanced build options are nice, but could be better. larger placement area. the remove only mode is very tricky to use since its hard to see where the box actually is.

    I have discussed this with my friends quite a bit, we decided the best way to achieve this is an omni tool that the player has to craft (find) and "hold" in its hand. This tool should do a number of different things.

    1) pick up single/group of blocks and place them back down in a different posistion. including full/empty plexstorage units.

    2) rotate blocks

    3) ability to link certain blocks together

    4) plexdoor remote, significantly increases the range which you can activate plexdoors.


    I know my next suggestion has been brought up many times by others, but a sort button for the inventory and storage UI. the thing that takes the longest in this game is raiding storage chests at pirate stations, transfering them to a small cargo hauler, then bringing it all back to my ship and putting the stuff into the onboard cargo.

    takes more time to do that then it does to destroy the pirate turrets -_-

    bugs or features?

    why must the items be destroyed if my inv is full? why can't i just simply.....not pick them up? you know, like every other game.

    i don't understand shields. I know, as a general rule, wiki's are only as good as the people who post in them. but no where does the wiki, or game logs or anything describe why/how shields actually work. they clearly don't negate 100% of the damage. the pirates will barely bring my shields down, yet ill get cracked blocks all over my ship. its pretty annoying when you are in the process of building a large ship and you have to constantly replace cracked inner hull blocks.

    After playing for a week, i just found out yesterday about the importance of power unit placement. made my head hurt and angry that i spent so much time building a ship only to find out that i did it wrong....placing power units next to eachother in a large block is highly ineffecient. using approx. 200k power units only yielded a 552k recharge rate, when in fact, it should be closer to a million. Im not sure on the details about how you are supposed to place these blocks and what other blocks are affected by this system. My problem is that no where does it describe this in any form of detail. i had to find out from 4chan....which my friends and i did some testing, and sure enough, 4chan was right. all i know its based on some mathematical cuboid thing. makes my head hurt. math was never my best subject.

    sorry this is turning into a novel. id love to talk to other players about everything i have mentioned, especially shield and power core setups. thanks for reading!
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    wow, as soon as im done writing this, there was a rather large update! lol if anything i mentioned above has been changed by the update please ignore.