A New Type of Ship Core - The Mech Core

    Oct 24, 2013
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    Yes, yes I know it all sounds rather silly doesn't it? And it may very well be, my friends. However, allow me a moment to elaborate on this idea for a moment and I'll let those of you who are more knowledgeable about what is possible to program in a game such as this debate it's probability of existence. Imagine, if you will, a block not unlike a ship core, placed in the same way and able to be built upon with power, thrusters, weapons, etc. The difference of this rather special block lies in the fact that it would have predefined zones, not dissimilar to the zones a docking module displays, to differentiate between the head, torso, upper arm, lower arm, upper leg, and lower leg. I am leaving out the hands and feet for simplicity's sake.

    What we are left with at this point is rather interesting. We have a ship core, with a number of pre-generated zones around it. A head zone above, a torso zone around it, an upper and lower arm zone on either side and a pair of upper and lower leg zones below it. Again, for simplicity's sake, let's assume this is your classic humanoid mech. Now, we have the zone size in which we can start to place blocks and build our mech piece by piece. The introduction of a couple of new blocks may be necessary. For example, the first of these would most likely need to be a "Servo" or "Motor" block that statically increases the speed at which your mech can walk, run, or even the height to which it could jump without the aid of thrusters if under the influence of a planet's gravity. These would, for lack of a better term, be the "muscles" of your mech. The second proposed block would most likely need to be a "Joint" block. This would be a block placed at the areas of each limb, and the neck even, that would tell the game where to attempt to articulate your parts you've built. Naturally, these would need to be placed in such a way that the game can apply movement to the parts without clipping. You could not, for example, place the elbow joint block on the upper arm and expect the game to articulate correctly. Alternatively, the game could simply attempt articulation at the point two zones meet, thus rendering a joint block unneeded. That would be up to whoever codes the game to decide what would be easiest. The third and final proposed block would need to be a block that increases the scale of every zone on the mech at the same time (simply to keep the proportions the same). A hard cap would most likely be needed on this block, as I'm sure applying animation and movement to a behemoth size mech would undoubtedly crash the game.

    Now, that all sounds pretty silly doesn't it? I mean, how the heck are you going to apply animations to something so customizable and still expect it all to work? Well...a big humanoid robot is essentially a scaled up version of the astronaut himself, right? And the fact that you kept all your parts inside of the game's predefined "Part Zones" means that it's all within a field capable of animation application...so...and this is where I'm unsure and may make or break this topic entirely...just use the same planned run, walk, and jump animations being made for the astronaut. I'll take a moment to let you all flame this down with displeasure or, hopefully, debate it's possibility.

    Done? Ok. Moving on. How would the animations play? Well, as in astronaut mode, pressing W would mean the mech would start to walk and eventually build into a run. How quickly it would do this is dependent on the amount of Servo Blocks the mech contains.

    "BUT! BUT! BUT! I don't need to run if I'm in space, do I?!", said the little engineer that could.

    No, no you don't. So if not in a gravity field, W would instead activate any thrusters present on the mech to generate forward movement. This is identical to a ship. So what about the space bar, eh? Well, let's say you're in a gravity well. Cool. Good for you. Press space to jump, press Q to activate your thrusters and get the heck off-world, assuming you have enough thrust.

    As for the rest of it, I leave it to you guys to debate. I have a lot more I'd like to add but I'm about to leave work and I'd rather not stay over and get paid to talk about crazy space mechs with you guys all night! Just kidding...I'd love to...but dinner calls. Anyways, please add to this what you think may make or break the idea, what you think could be changed, how something I didn't cover in my brief writing may work or be implemented. OH, btw, we need Grav-Clamp blocks to allow the mech walk or run on a structure in space. But that may be too hard to code. I digress. Let me know what you think and help me out on understanding if the game is even capable of handling something like this. I hope it is well received by the audience here, and I apologize if something like this has been suggested before.
    Oct 8, 2013
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    The only thing that I feel the need to ask is why this is important enough to be implemented, because not only can you already build a mech(somewhat derpy, I know) with a ship core, and also schema is planning to add vehicle blocks. I do love the idea though. I\'d personally like to see mech weapons that are tailored specifically for them, such as a hull breaching charge, or rocket pods. It is really a good idea, but I don\'t see schema implementing it any time soon. Thanks.

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    Problem planetary combat is at this point in time unneccesary and useless. Now if planets were bigger and you couldnt just nuke planets this would work
    Oct 24, 2013
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    Yea, I agree. The importance of it being implemented is really not there. Could I live without it? Absolutely. I can build any ship I want to fill the same role any mech could play. The biggest driving force behind even bringing it up was simply that I thought it would be cool. It\'s hard to mention space sci-fi deliciousness without some sort of exo-suit or mech popping up sooner or later. Now, you could develop systems to give mechs an advantage over static-hulled ships in certain circumstances, and weaknesses in others. But right now, there\'s simply not enough to the game to really warrant anything other than discussion of how it could be implemented. Again, I just thought it would add a really fun aspect to the game, along with a bit more build variety. I\'m sure we\'ll get PLENTY of variety on down the road, so I\'m not gona be too bummed if we don\'t see some type of mech sooner or later.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    planets should have a long lasting extremely valuable resource that is colonizing without making it a home planet, this would mean that factions would have to make attackable colonies, and thus ensueing planetary combat
    Jun 23, 2013
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    This is already partially in progress unofficially, with the Mushroom Fleet and others making pretty nice looking mechs for planetary and space combat, with specifications of their own, such as a maximum of 1 shield block and requirement of it fitting into an unenhanced docking block. I don\'t really think that making it animated would be beneficial to the game, but it\'d be nice.
    Oct 16, 2013
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    Gundam Seed :P

    Soory, just had to say it.

    But otherwise, this does sound like an interesting idea. But, I find that a more easier mech would possibly be the turret on legs approach. Where the \'arms\' of weapons is fixed to the torso, which is on a swivel joint that connects to the legs. That would be the most common style presumably in terms of groundforce combat.


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    You knew there was a \'but\' coming didn\'t ya?
    However, what\'s more likely to happen than anything else is parts that allow for gravity dependant vehicles you can add to existing ship cores. Keep floating the idea and gather as many people behind it as you can. When the great grey one turns his gaze to new features he may choose it on popularity. Keep in mind the critria used to identify what is next on the todo list is based on context. If schema is working along a similar vein already it\'s that much easier to see a suggestion like this get some attention. Articulated limbs aren\'t going to happen soon tho. You\'ll probably get hover engine bricks that alters the structure\'s center of gravity that will work for movement based on the thrust you\'ve added. Workable tanks exist and a few designs have a proper doghead. Most mecha are essential walking tanks.

    All of this is going to come later and if not it\'ll show up as a mod. And mods won\'t be green flagged until sometime in Beta. I\'m guessing late into Beta. Keep the interest alive tho.
    Oct 24, 2013
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    Yea I surely did. I knew it was unlikely at best as far as probability. But hey, maybe we get lucky? In my head, I didn\'t really see true articulated limbs as much as I saw a run animation playing when moving (no real physics invlolved for the articulating, just an animation when moving). The arms in my head were mostly static. I mean there\'s no real reason given the current state of how the game works to have the arms do anything but carry weapons, assuming that\'s where you chose to put them. It\'s not like they need to swing a beam scythe into those OZ bastards...right? Lol. I just thought I\'d put the idea out there and see what people thought and what they could add. I think it would be a fun idea, but as I said before, it\'s not at all essential and I could definitely live without it. It\'d just be neat.