Recognized by Council A modest Proposal regarding Scanners, Cloakers, and Jammers.


    Old Newb
    Jul 9, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 6
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    I think the idea of each ship having a different "Signature" is a really really nice idea. Having a ship emit a larger signal based on power or another variable even size, balanced with scanners effectivness being based on size would be a really good way to approach this topic. It could even go as to make smaller ships more effective as it would actually give an advantage to being "stealthy" without having to make a power axis tree which lets be honest, doesnt really look like a proper ship
    Thats one of the idea's yeah since a smaller ship would inherently have a smaller signature due to having less noisy stuff compared to say a massive super-capital. Granted a larger ship could also carry more acute sensors to potentially detect a smaller ship to so there is the potential for a balance depending on exactly what contributes to Signature/Distance Falloff/How Resolution vs Sensor block count scales.

    Rather than "Now you see me, now you don't".
    Feb 25, 2016
    Reaction score
    Yeah, larger vessels, as a rule, have better detection equipment packages than smaller vessels. Smaller vessels, as a rule, are better about stealth than larger vessels.

    StealthX, anyone?