A Modest List of Suggestions

    Jul 27, 2013
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    I'm sure there are a hundred billion of these types of threads... so here's mine (PS: This game is wicked):

    Important Ones (at least I think so)

    - Eliminate the Hit point capacities on blocks and instead simply give blocks damage reduction that, if exceeded will etherialize the block. Healing would simply re-Materialize a block at a rate based on its own strength. I suspect this might help ease the amount of information being calculated and stored by a server.

    - Allow for the saving of non-ship structures that can be re-loaded and placed (and maybe even crudely oriented.). This would make building repetitive designs easier.

    - Pirates need effective core ships of various size classes and the ability to chose other ships that meet or exceed core class their specs. Im tired of being attacked by hoardes of repair drones that don't have guns. (With that said i also dont want to be attacked by 5 fully outfitted 100,000 block Super Heavy planet sized carriers because that would crash servers.)

    - Suggestion that will be hated: A block limit on ships (not stations or planets) - my suggestion is 10,000. Stuff bigger than that enters server clog country (at least on the one ive I played) and really serves no functional purpose. At the very least put an easy access option for having block limits on ships.

    Less important ones

    - More pirate presence.

    - Sensor blocks that will improve HUD with ship info at X range and show loot drops.

    - Tractor field blocks to allow ships the ability to pull lootz to you.

    - Less loot numbers from individual pirates.

    - Spawing / re-assembling pirate strongholds that give the good ol phat lootz.

    - camera rotation in flight mode.

    - Easy access to a skin editor, like a link. (Somebody made a minecraft one that im sure can be S&R'd).

    Well that's what I can think up for now... i'm sure ill update this thread as I think up new super wicked suggestions.
    Jul 10, 2013
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    1. Hit points are nice, I like that system, but what I really like about your way is that the block is saved, and repairing it could make it come back.

    2. I don\'t like this.

    3. Yes. Pirates need many more new ships as well as an algorithm to determine how many fighters and how many dreadnaughts show up to a fight.

    4. No. No No No. Just No.

    Minor suggestions

    5. Yes. More Pirates, but not in the beginning of the game. someone\'s first ship shouldn\'t have to fight pirates all the time

    6/7. Tractor beams for loot- Yes. I like it a lot. many other people suggest tractor beams for ships, which is not a good idea in my opinion. but for loot it is a great idea

    8. Once Schema balances the game, this will happen

    9. What?? I don\'t understand

    10. This has been suggested a lot. I think it will happen

    11. Maybe. but it doesn\'t have to be from the devs. this would be easiest to do as a third party.
    Jul 5, 2013
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    - You won\'t get attacked by hoardes of repair drones, if server admin has modified server.cfg so that pirates don\'t use all blueprints by default. Admin can already choose individual blueprints that pirates can use.

    - You can increase or decrease pirate presence in server.cfg.

    - You can rotate camera in flight mode using right shift.

    - You can change pirate loot numbers from server.cfg.

    I like the ethereal damaged blocks. Saves the trouble of rebuilding complicated structures again.
    Jul 27, 2013
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    @The Galaxinator

    - I don\'t like this: (Allow for the saving of non-ship structures that can be re-loaded and placed (and maybe even crudely oriented.). This would make building repetitive designs easier.)

    Why? What am I missing?

    4. No. No No No. Just No: (- Suggestion that will be hated: A block limit on ships...)

    Either that or some sort of solution for server crashing uuber sized ships. I hate the idea of taking away options but maaan,

    9. What?? I don\'t understand: ( Spawing / re-assembling pirate strongholds that give the good ol phat lootz.)

    Basically allow pirate strongholds to show up randomly ( or build up slowly ) and if there is a husk of a stronghold whose lootz have been taken but is just floating in space, the pirates can \"re-build\" itself and respawn pirates and some loot.


    - You won\'t get attacked by hoardes of repair drones, if server admin has modified server.cfg so that pirates don\'t use all blueprints by default. Admin can already choose individual blueprints that pirates can use.

    That shouldn\'t be necessary

    - You can rotate camera in flight mode using right shift.

    FAK YEEES! You win sir. New Suggestion: Put that info into the help menu!

    I figured that you could up pirate presence @ Server.cfg but i guess im hoping for a more elegant solution that maybe makes them show up more often in different sectors farther from base zone or pirate attacks arriving in numbers based on how many blocks are being attacked (newbie man with 50 block ship @ a store wont get the numbers that the Uuber man with the 10k block carrier at a space station gets).



    Link it or just think it.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    He already knows what he is adding in the next updates, he even posted it, dont you guys read?
    Jul 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    (Also suggestions for games that are in early dev. are not meant for next update its just pitching ideas)
    Jul 5, 2013
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    What are you talking about? Update news come after the updates are set downloadable, not before. Or is there some other roadmap you mean?