A Guide on Starmade Combat

    Mar 23, 2015
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    Ok, first off I applaud the effort, really I do.
    In all honesty, this is currently a completely useless document.
    As a fairly new player I could still use a lot of guidance on combat but this guide doesn't present any information not in the wiki or easily observed even in single player.
    Basic things like missile lock for Mb isn't covered (not on the wiki either for that matter....I mean it's fairly intuitive but still...). It's titled a combat guide, but it goes on to talk about ship design, and on such a basic level that it doesn't provide the kind of guidance a noob needs and certainly nothing for anyone with any experience. There isn't even really any solid recommendations on weapon combos and sizes.
    How TO fight or actual combat mechanics aren't really even covered at all, and needs to be written by people with actual PVP experience.
    Mar 9, 2014
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    • Arrrty Gold
    The guide as of now is by no means finished nor polished
    Don't worry I'm always researching into bits and pieces of information about Starmade combat and am always working on the guide constantly.

    There isn't even really any solid recommendations on weapon combos and size
    I'm getting there, but you can always refer to Table 1.0 for fleshed out recommendation table.
    Last edited:


    Apr 20, 2015
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    A complete newbie question: What does this mean, exactly?

    Spontaneous Target Hit (insta-hit) weapon, otherwise known as a Hitscan weapon

    Does that mean you don't have to aim at the enemy? I suspect not, since you might have multiple enemies. But I really don't know what that means.

    As I say, I'm a complete newbie. Yes, I've died four times, but I have yet to actually see a pirate, let alone shoot at one. Heh, heh.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    ...Spontaneous Target Hit (insta-hit) weapon, otherwise known as a Hitscan weapon...
    You still have to aim a hitscan weapon. A hitscan weapon hits instantly, like a laser beam. A non-hitscan weapon takes time to travel, like a bullet, before it hits, so it may need to use "leading the target" to land a hit. Otherwise, with a non-hitscan weapon, if you shoot directly at a moving target, it might be out of the way by the time the bullet gets there. A hitscan weapon will not have that issue and will not need to "lead the target", as long as the target is in your sights, and is within range.

    tl;dr: With a hitscan weapon, just shoot straight at the target. With a non-hitscan (bullet) weapon, shoot where the target will be when the bullet will get there. (This kind of prediction targeting is known as "leading the target".)
    Apr 21, 2013
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    Please add this as a preface to the weapons system:

    1. Weapons are all balanced with the idea that they reliably hit 100% the time. This is a fallacy. Because of this, beam missiles are the most effective/efficient weapon type. Yes this is overpowered, but you might as well ride the wave while it' here.


    Apr 20, 2015
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    You still have to aim a hitscan weapon. A hitscan weapon hits instantly, like a laser beam. A non-hitscan weapon takes time to travel, like a bullet, before it hits, so it may need to use "leading the target" to land a hit.
    OK, I see now. Thanks for the info!