A few Suggestions after playing a few weeks

    Jul 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi there,

    After playing a few weeks, Got a few suggestions and bug reports i think might help all round:

    1. Missles - they should really do some damage to sheilds, otherwise why bother? Shotgun AMC's can kill shields and are just as good as block demolishing as missles :D

    2. Combat log or similar - I hosted a server and it's been going pretty good (we've had a few bugs that refuse to go away though, floating half-existing turrets, huge huge lag spikes etc) but we've just had a player rampaging through peoples creations. Would be great when if we could track that kind of thing in log (maybe just "player attacked *ship* belonging to *faction*" or something

    3. Pirates - Awesome awesome idea, but i think they need to stop dropping all kinds of loot and maybe just drop certain things, or make it configurable. (leave bases, maybe make them a bit more challanging though)

    We have out loot settings turned down from 0.9 to 0.3 for ship drops, and this happened tonight:


    o_O one ship!?!?

    4. Factions - Creating custom ai factions would be cool. We were thinking "pirate faction A" and "pirate faction B" are at war, and will attack anyone, maybe fighting over resources or something.

    5. Build mode - Rotating black wedges/corners against space is crazy silly (cant see it, might as well be invisible). Maybe put a 50% transparent green box behind it or something

    6. Hull - personally, i think hulls' health should be doubled. (or at least the hardened hull) to create more intense battles

    7. The Turrets - What a fabulous concept BUT the turrets can shoot other turrets on the same ship, and also ships of the same faction around them when targeting pirates. Simple fix: give an option to disable factions doing damage to themselves/same members of their faction. (i cant tell you how many time's i've parked ships near a player station just to log in and find them shredded by turrets that are supposed to protect it :)

    8. Blueprints - While it's not overly OP in itself coupled with the stupid amounts of loot and cash earned from pirates (see above) this can become and instant hack machine. I'm lazy - so in the spirit of keeping the lazy mans tool in i say it should cost 100% of the ships resource cost and also 25 or 50% of the materials used in that print. It wont completely solve the problem but i'd be a hell of a lot more immersive for the game.

    9. Would love some new weapons (probably not a priority for you guys). Was thinking a low damage, long range, consistant laser that drills away at blocks and uses lots of power as a potential weapon. Or heavier, slower torpedos that do huge damage. or maybe some slower firing, harder hitting plasma cannons.

    10. Back on the subject of turrets, i think they could do with a bit of an accuracy buff. I watched them for about 5 minutes trying to hit a stationary pirate in a barely sheilded ship at point blank range and they couldnt do it! (6 turrets, all mini/medium dual barrel setups, different locations) is this normal for turrets or did i just make terrible ones? haha

    Most of these have probably already been addressed or are being addressed, just throwing my thoughts out there!

    EDIT: Seems the forum doesnt resize properly. heh.
    Jul 7, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    These are all great suggestions! I agree one-hundred percent. I\'m afraid I don\'t know what you are talking about with the turret friendly-fire, though. The only issue I\'ve run in to so far is that if you put them on Fire-at-selected-target mode, if you accidentally select a neutral ship, they open fire, and there\'s no way to stop them because there is no option to deselect a target. Also I know that there is something in the faction menu about not selecting the \"consider neutral hostile\" option, but that doesn\'t fix the selected-target issue. Great ideas, hope these are considered.