A few Sugestions For:Starmade

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    So here are some interesting ideas I thought of for Starmade. I hope you like them.

    1. A more controllable AI for ships and turrets, making it to where ships can be set to follow and turrets can be selected to shoot a specific target

    2. A ship core like object except a Mech Core which can be used to make robots with leg,head,and arm animations. You can currently make Robots with shipcores, but they're not the best of things.

    3. Certain aliens can be found on diffrent planets, because I find the laser gun weak and no one actaully uses it as most of battles are Ship VS Ship.

    4. New types of guns that have certain speeds, reload speeds, damage, and range. Maybe something like a sniper, maybe a machine gun.

    5. Probably planned, similar to Minecraft hunger but a breath bar that makes only a certain amount of time avaible in space without certain equipment. Oxygen blocks and things like that.

    6. Armor outside of ship.

    7. What else can I think of? This game is near perfect for me!
    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    2. This has been suggested, in this very forum in fact.

    3. This is already on its way.

    5. I know being able to take off your helmet is planned. The breath bar would run out in less than 30 seconds lol.

    6. What.