A couple small improvements to the UI.

    Sep 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
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    It would help if the player's window for navigation, weapons, etc., was configurable for size. As it stands now, when I look at the various undock options on the left side window, I can't tell which command undocks which ship/turret. This is because the text for each entry scrolls off the page before it actually gets to any identifying information. Being able to stretch and resize the window would alleviate that problem.

    Second, it would be nice if we could log off a server without exiting the game. From time to time, my server admin may ask me to log off so he can push some changes to the settings onto the server. It's a small element, and maybe something for the checklist when you get down to polishing things up prior to release.
    Aug 11, 2013
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    i like the idea of having a bit of a ui update but how whould this be done and where whould these new thigns go onto your HUD?

    i agree with your second idea fully a main menu should be implemented at some point
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    Should be definitively fixed.

    Also the bug which makes windows of wrong resolutions display buttons wrong (below/above their actual position) is very odd

    Main Menus are always something nice.Also an good server list should get implemented (not like in terraria or cobeworld)