A Collection of my thoughts and ideas!

    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    Well To start this thread off, I'd like to say that I adore this game, being someone who started playing minecraft in early alpha, the second i learned abotu starmade I just HAD to try it out, haha. After I put in about 20 hours of the game I figured I might as well introduce myself itno the community of this amazing game, start puting in thoguths and ideas that other people might liek as well! Also, I'd like to appologize for any miss-spelling in this thread, I have a light case of Dyslexia so Im sorry.

    The following things are soem Ideas/suggestions I have thought about as well as I hope to add to the lsit as I think of more. So to anyone reading this, please read throught them and see what you think! maybe im not the only one who think these would be good things! :)


    1: A Better graphics options menu? The game is great, It makes you want to make HUGE epic ships, but with the graphics options right now it seems you can jsut change render distance, star cound and the background image for space. what about shadows? they seem like they take a lot of power to render, so when you build large ships the game tends to lag more. (Im not sure its due to shadows but through my testing it seems the most likely reason) So why not have an option like minecraft has for "shadow quality?" and not jsut that, maybe more graphic options, though none come to mind at the moment! XD

    2: I've done some testign and found out if you make a normal ship (one of larger size, thought not limited to that size) and make a "Vertical" piller of Ion Cannons or Salvage lazers that they dont fire straight down but somehow fire straigth ahead to werever your crosshairs are, which brings up another odd thing I found, Not beign able to rotate cockpits so they face up, down, left, right and back. which would be nice to do in somecases, or at least a way to rotate your view when your in first or 3rd person? ex. "Shift+mouse movement" would look around or somthing.

    3: Mineing turrets/repair turrets? Im not sure if anyone has recomended this, but it would be kinda cool!

    4: A mapping system? for example, Its a block thats called somthing like "mapping table" and you activate it while your piloting a ship, jsut liek you would a cannon or stelth, it would pull up a GUI of the sectors youv been to and you would have an option to "jump" or "Warp" to that sector. perhaps add a "debuff" or downside to doing it.. like you wouldnt know whos in the sector or maybe it uses all your power? eather way it would be nice instead of swinging your 360 block long ship like a Jiant baseball bat while you look at each grey triangle trying to figure out which sector to go to next XD

    ----- I'll Add more when I think of them, right now my mind is kind of "Blah" hehe -----