A bunch of dumb questions

    May 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hello all! Newest space cadet. I have a bunch of newb questions for you vets.

    How do power blocks interract with other blocks? Do I need to have them connected? Do they need to be x many blocks away from other blocks?

    What is the benefit of placing several of the same block in a row? (Like salvage cannons). And does this work with regular weapons?

    Are you a person or a ship? Can you get out of your ship to walk around?

    How do I see what I'm salvaging? It only shows up when I go to the store to sell it.

    How do I save my game or make it so it doesn't reset every time I start the client?

    Thanks in advance!
    May 7, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    • Blocks are grouped with other blocks of the same type. Blocks of different types don\'t interact with each other, so it\'s usually wise to cram all your functional blocks (power, shields, batteries, sometimes thrusters) into one area in the ship.
    • Different blocks react differently to being grouped together. Most blocks are best in large groups, but it differs from block to block. Power storage blocks are currently broken, and need to be placed one by one without touching each other. Power generators tend to work best when placed in long 1x1 rows that run front to back, placed diagonal from each other. Thrusters work well by being place like the power blocks or in solid groups. It\'s rather complicated, and you\'ll probably have to do a great deal of experimenting to get it all down. Be sure to give this a read: http://star-made.org/content/effects-grouping-elements-together Also, here\'s what the generator on my most recent ship looks like: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/45478712/photos/strmd/starmade-screenshot-0019.png
    • You are an astronaut, so you can get out of your ship to walk/float around. Being in astronaut mode kinda sucks though, you\'re slow, vulnerable, and can\'t build as well as you can in build mode.
    • You can press \"I\" while in your ship to bring up your inventory.
    • Don\'t know this one... I\'ve always played on a friend\'s server.


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    Power blocks add 25 regen/sec per block you have on your ship, but also scale with box dimension. How that works is the game looks at each group (Power blocks that have touching faces count as a group) and finds the largest and smallest coordinate on all three x, y, and z axis. The difference between those maximums and minimums counts as your box dimension. I recommend looking at Calbiri\'s power video, it explains it visually, which is much easier to understand than... Internet words.

    Currently, only power and thrusters use box dimension. Everything else (Not including cloaking, jamming, and power tanks) works off of the number of blocks in a group so you can do any funky shape you want.

    The player is a sentient life form (?). When you are in your ship, you can press R to get out or get back into a ship.

    Pressing \'I\' brings up your inventory tab. Make sure to check your hotbar on the bottom of your screen as the game will try to fill that up before dumping things in your inventory.

    On \'singleplayer\' the server automatically saves occasionally and I believe it saves on exit as well, so you\'re good there.
    May 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Thanks for the info guys.

    Ok, more questions.

    Can someone explain navigation to me? I see a planet and start flying towards it.. and then sometimes the screen flashes and the planet will disappear and I\'ll have to find it again... Am I moving between solar systems? Are there solar systems?


    Overlord of the North Pole
    Apr 23, 2013
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    And every time you do, your ships orientation can get messed up, there are solar systems, but you have to move away from the sun for a while to really leave its system.

    Also, planets do orbit the sun (but technically its the sectors that orbit), this can be a little confusing, if you want to head in a specific direction you can always use the navpoint tool under navigation.
    May 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Is there a \"creative mode\"? Like a way to get infinite blocks for the purpose of building ships to fly around or test new constructs?
    May 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    In singleplayer you can use admin commands like \"/give_credits NAME AMOUNT\". There\'s a list of the commands under the \"Help\" section at the top of the page I believe.