After seeing the hugely mixed reaction to the new reactor proposal, I got to wondering if Schine has the resources and manpower to consider A/B testing. Basically when you have something this new and this game-changing that can be addressed a few different ways, partially implement ALL the ways. Yes they'll be buggy and incomplete, but if they're coded up just enough to get the basic idea across, players can tinker with each way and then provide feedback on which ones they liked, which they don't, and help figure out what works and what doesn't before Schine spends a ton of effort fully developing the feature.
Maybe this would be a good task for future Councils, too. Organize events based around A/B testing and help gather feedback for Schine.
Such a scheme could be really helpful in the future when they start devoting a ton of time to game balance.
Maybe this would be a good task for future Councils, too. Organize events based around A/B testing and help gather feedback for Schine.
Such a scheme could be really helpful in the future when they start devoting a ton of time to game balance.