3 Stop Elevator?

    Aug 20, 2015
    Reaction score
    Has anyone got the logic figured out, to make an elevator with three stops? No recall but that when any of the buttons are pushed the elevator moves to the next floor in a cycle such as (1-2-3-2-1-2-3-2-1).
    Jan 29, 2015
    Reaction score
    1. Build the rail
    2. Put activation blocks next to the rail where the elevator should stop, hook them all up to a flipflop and the flipflop to an activation block
    3. Have a rail speed controller slave the whole rail and the activation block from the flip flop
    4. Also connect the cycle button to the flipflop
    5. On the topmost floor, connect the activation block to another activation block that has a downward facing rail next to it. Have that activation block slave the whole rail
    6. Vice versa on the bottommost floor.
    Let me know if something doesn't work.


    CEO Snataris Colonial Fleetyards
    Sep 10, 2013
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    • Master Builder Bronze
    • Thinking Positive
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    Here's how the rails look like for bottom-mid-top (can be extended to ANY number of floors). You can easily make it so that there's 1 button for each floor.

    Rotated by 90°:
    To go UP from anywhere: >>>>>>>>>>>
    To go DOWN from anywhere: <<<<<<<<<<<
    To go MID from anywhere: >>>>>v<<<<<

    Notice that to get the elevator to stop "mid rail", all you need is to rotate the appropriate rail block 90° so that it faces "sideways" from the perspective of the cabin.
    Aug 20, 2015
    Reaction score
    Thank you one and all I'll give it a try tonight. Plusnine, nice ele. Much too big for this project but I think you may have just helped me on an idea I have for a rotary docking station or a "dial a dock" as it were. Again, thank you all.
    Sep 2, 2015
    Reaction score
    i'm just curious why you don't make an elevator that has a button for each floor especially with only three floors i think one of my testing elevators i used has 12 floors it can stop at with a button on the elevator itself for each floor. of course having 12 labeled buttons on an elevator means the elevator has to be decently sized but i think its nicer that way.

    actually i feel like an ass after writing this if you want an elevator to just move up and down floors hzz and thals solutions are both fine.

    I personally like to use wireless logic blocks for my elevators as i like the buttons to be in the carriage rather than on the elevator (tower) but thats just my personal preference.
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