2 bugs I have run into while building my factory

    Jul 7, 2013
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    • Purchased!
    1: When a recipe hit 33 blocks per tick it crashed my game. When I got back on the recipe was 1 block per tick with a progress of -6mil out of 320

    2: As some of you may know shift-v connects all blocks that are in the chain of the one you were looking at. I have put nearly 1 mil (I did not count) factory enhancers. When I hit shift-v it does not connect them all (yes they are all touching). It seems to have a max distance it will connect when I finally loaded the purple boxes there seemed to be a spherical bubble of connected enhancers. When I hit shift-v again on a different area the output of the factory still went up so it is not a limit on how many enhancers can be put on 1 input.
    Jul 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I just quote the Text, Archer has made in starmade.windoom.com Forums.

    How many blocks for the next level?

    For people interested, me and Dscha (especially Dscha) spent some time finding this one out, and came with the following:

    (Config_value) * (Current_Recipe_Level) * (1.6)

    This equation is the amount of blocks required to level up to the specified level, from the previous level.

    For Windoom, the config has 4000 set as config value, it\'s the default. Say you want to know how many blocks you need to get from level 2 to level 3...

    (4000) * (2) * (1.6) = 12800

    So starting with a fresh level 2 recipe, you need 12800 blocks to get to level 3.

    For level 1 to level 2:

    (4000) * (1) * (1.6) = 6400

    For level 6 to level 7:

    (4000) * (5) * (1.6) = 38400

    Now, when you reach level 26, there will be a funny bug, that has to do with the 32-bit integer limit in StarMade:

    2 ^ 31 = 2147483648 (31 because 0 is also an integer!)

    Any number in StarMade (credits, total amount of blocks produced to reach level) that goes beyond this will reset to 0 or start to act strangely.

    In this case, to reach level 26 you need more than 2147483648 blocks, so basically the recipe stops functioning after reaching it, keep that in mind!
    Jul 5, 2013
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    It\'s not wise to put too many enhancers. If you for example link 2000 enhancers to factory input and then try to craft 1000 of something, it will not do anything. The amount of enhancers is the MINIMUM amount of factory products it makes. So why\'d you have million of them? :p