
    1. Captain Fortius

      Corrupt SJW Discord admin!

      Geez, the world we live in. So, this happened today: I look up what's happening on the SM discord, and notice there's some conversation about flat /cookie planets. I write something like "the only sane way to do planets is either spherical, or some videogame tricks to make them look spherical...
    2. Captain Fortius

      What have you done... (power system wtf)

      Allright. Let's start with the good parts. There ARE some good things in the new power system video. Namely power priorities, the long overdue fix for weapons consuming power before firing ( I don't know why was this not treated as a bug sooner; ATM if there's not enough power to shoot a...
    3. kilemeino

      how do i server?

      so i have been trying to make a privet server for my freinds and faction and have been getting stone walled when i think everything is good and running basicly i start dedicated server then open up my client to set up the world. of corse i am very confused in the network page but i go and...
    4. Xskyth

      explosive effect doesnt explode???!!!

      Explosive effect right now does not explode. It...... spreads to the immediate blocks touching the point of impact. It should EXPLODE. kinda like the missiles do. but not as big a radius. 3 or 4 blocks maybe? this would make it a slightly more effective weapon.
    5. jontyfreack

      Workings 2016-12-07

      Nothing much else to say other than its for looks and moving slowly.
    6. jontyfreack

      Clockwork 2016-12-07

      Nothing much else to say than it is completely for looks and moving slowly.