
    1. Borr

      Mad Badger Industries

      Hello. I'm just a space badger who make stuff :D I decided to share some of my creation, mostly stuff that I'm satisfied with. Enjoy ;)
    2. Borr

      Harvey MK2 R5 Transport Vessel 1.0

      Transport vessel equipped with standardized cargo container, 2 mining drones (up to 6 without cargo container), service tug, 12 antimissile turrets, 2 defense turrets, 1 antipersonel turret. Filled with logic features like: automatic drone/cargo container deployment system (I tried to make it as...
    3. SchnellBier

      SBS Outcast 2016-04-08

      Introducing: The SBS Outcast Special Features: - Outcast design Additional Pictures: Base Stats: Mass: 3,420.9 [total /w rail: 3,584.6] Thrust: 3,220.6 Total rotational potential: 0.4, 0.4, 0.6 Length: 127m Height: 38m Width: 65m Power: 735,076.0 (797,543.4 e/sec) Shields: 251,621 (14,828...
    4. Jake_Lancia

      Falcon-class Patrol Corvette v1.0

      Falcon-class Patrol Corvette The TTS FCV-001b (Falcon-class) is a class of fast patrol vessels intended for use in large numbers against hostile targets. The Falcon features a sleek design reminiscent of early 21st-century fighter craft and the firepower to match. Twin rapid-fire plasma...
    5. Gmodism

      GHI_Logistic Neko - Utility-Ship Mk3

      The Gmodism Industries Shipyard Proudly Brings you: GHI Logistic Neko Mark 3 The Gmodism Heavy Industries Utility Ship, LOGISTIC NEKO MARK. Excellent for travel around swiftly, freighting medium quantities, mining effortlessly and moving around objects in space. Features: -Auto-miner beams (Sm)...
    6. SchnellBier

      SBS Jupiter 2016-03-05

      Introducing: The SBS Jupiter Special Features: - Retractable Side Thrusters - Flight Mode - Hover Mode - Landing Mode - Retractable Front Landing Gear - Hangar with Shuttle - Rotating Deflector - Automatic Doors - Lockdown Button - Shutdown Button - Auto Swarm Missiles in the Side Thrusters -...
    7. Gmodism

      GI_BOSSE - Beamship X1

      Bosse Beamship Mark One, is a Beamship class single pilot plasma system combat vessel. Built especially for the Trading Kartell and it's needs. It is very efficient at taking out lightly armoured targets fast, such as freighting ships and fighters. It is also capable of carrying a fighter in its...
    8. mindlord0013

      Orion Co Negotiator v1.0

      --------------- Orion Co builds ships for every occasion, and that includes the Orion Co Negotiator. It was originally built as a larger version of the now outdated Orion Co Valkyrie, and follows some design aesthetics from it's smaller sister. The Valkyrie defeated its targets with swarms of...
    9. Lone_Puppy

      LP USD 01 Double Doors 2016-01-30

      Based on my previous upload... LP USD 01 This version has two doors for air-lock safety. It could do with a little more work.
    10. Lone_Puppy

      LP USD 01 2016-01-30

      Hi Fellow StarMade players, I've only learned just recently that it has already been discussed at length over the past year (not sure how I missed that), and I also learned a few days ago that Bench's design has become the official standard. Either way, this is my take on the USD. I used...
    11. Gmodism

      GI_Collector - Miner/Salvager Mk2

      The Gmodism Industries Proudly Brings you: GI Collector Mining Vessel Mining-ship with Freighter class storage capabilities. The Collector, a top class efficient Mining ship with electronic and safety equipment on-board. The cargo capabilities are very good and the autoloader make sure cargo...
    12. Lecic

      Insectoid Shuttle v1

      This insect-themed shuttle features foldable insect leg landing gears, powerful thrust with toggleable engine flames, power-stable jump drive, anti-gravity engines for an easy to control landing, scanners, protective hardened carapace hull, USD docking, and an interior with 1 bed (designed for...
    13. SchnellBier

      SBS Caleri 2016-01-11

      Introducing: The SBS Caleri This Fighter was build for Dalmonts "Next Generation Fighter" Competition. It is designed as a short range fighter without any other purpose than fighting. Maybe I´ll upload a version of this without the mass restriction set by the competition. Additional...
    14. astronouth7303

      NASA IMP 1.1

      A recreation of the NASA Industrial Manufacturing Platform (IMP) from old Terra, this station provides basic industrial facilities for new players on the cheap: less than 750,000! It's cheaper than two Isanths! Comes equipped with a USD-compatible dock and some room to expand. Some basic...
    15. astronouth7303

      ASW Dock Hopper 1.0

      She's ugly, she's defenseless, but she's got a USD and thrusters. The Dock Hopper comes with a Bench(tm) USD, an overhead compartment, seating for 1 copilot and 4 passengers, and a red stripe. Dimensions: 9x9x15 Mass: 41.8 Thrust: 48 blocks
    16. psteiner

      USD type-2 2015-12-22

      The USD type 2 has the same controls as the type 1 USD. There are some major changes in the design and functionality however. This type utilizes extended docking pylons to make contact easier, while covering the exposed area with a sliding sheath. This prevents an opening while maintaining the...
    17. Eruadan

      Gorettis Lander 2015-12-21

      Welcome aboard the Gorettis Coperation's new starter ship, the Gorettis Lander! This small craft packs a punch with it's two antimatter cannons, and can hold its own against several Isanth-flying pirates. It also includes a small cargo bay, landing gear, and two USD docking ports. (Be Advised...
    18. Zaphod42

      Full-size Pennsylvania-class battleship "Indomitus"

      Presenting the USS Indomitus, a Pennsylvania-class battleship constructed using an IRL 3-foot:1 block scale. Built in the classic style of a WWII battleship with various modifications and modern weaponry. 5 decks boasting all the comforts needed for a medium-sized crew, Indomitus can take a...
    19. SchnellBier

      SB Rat MK1 (added Transporter) 2015-11-03

      Introducing: The SB Rat MK1 Special Features: - Rotating Engines (3 Settings/No-Rail-Lag Logic) - Retractable Rear Ramp (No-Rail-Lag Logic) - Shutdown Button Additional Pictures: Base Stats: Mass: 6,624.4 [total /w rail: 8817.101] Thrust: 8,576.3 Turning Speed: X-Axis: 1.1, Y-Axis:1.2...
    20. Bench

      USD Type-1 1.0

      What is it? The USD Type-1 is a community-designed universal docking layout that specifies the position and orientation of rail dockers and basic rails in order for player ships and stations to be able to be compatible. This version of the USD Type-1 comes after the announcement of the new...