
    1. MacThule

      Trade Fleets

      I am considering a suggestion regarding trade UI and gameplay activity. Does anyone else think that it would make a lot sense to make all trade network exchanges use an actual, iterated (not necessarily spawned, obv) trade fleet every single time an exchange occurs - including requiring...
    2. Hugoba

      Complex crew suggestion

      I'm back with handful of ideas about crew :) First of all some basic questions: 1) Why we need a crew? It should be neccessary for my ship? 2) How we could get it and how we could lost it? 3) How the crew will affect ship construction? AD1/ Crew shouldn't be neccessary for the ship, but the...
    3. Spartan-228

      TCF-130 class Freighter 2017-05-01

      The TCF-130 was designed and is produced by White Star Shipyards. The ship is one of their most popular items on the market, making it a very common sight in the galactic triad lanes. One of its most beloved features is its detachable cargo post. Allowing crews to pickup and drop off cargo, even...
    4. Napther

      KDI "Canning" Medium Hauler 1.0

      Foreword: Just because the Canning has turrets, doesnt mean its a good idea to fight with them. Currently the Overdrive turrets are power-expensive, these may be changed to Piercing effect in the future to deal with Scav that more easily. This ship has no weapons except the turrets, meaning AI...
    5. Napther

      KDI Havoc IIC Dropship and Light Hauler 1.0

      Because it occurred to me that, in order for people to vote for me in the future fleets stage 2 to get more of my orange-hulled ships into the game (And the bigguns with stronk weapons compared to most other entries) I need to apply a few more ships for viewing on the Community Content. Because...
    6. A

      Suggested Planetary Suggestions

      Hello, me again, I understand you guys are working hard on updates to make this game awesome, but I also understand that the planets are not worked on all that much as they should compared to everything else. Now me myself I do not like the new hexagonal planets, as from a distance they do not...