
    1. Samwiz1

      Samwiz1's Organic Ships

      Hi, I'm Samwiz1, and this is a thread for me to post my organic ships in. Lately I've been playing on the Light vs Dark server, and i noticed that the Dark factions outnumbered the Light 10 to 1, so I made a faction and joined Light. (sorry for advertising, just a bit of backdrop xD) I realized...
    2. Xacktar

      Nightmare Mako 2016-07-13

      The Nightmare Mako is the asteroid miner that every evil overlord puts on his Christmas list. With a massive 30,000 block array of salvage modules and hefty shields, she's built to eat everything she can sink her pointy teeth into. STATS Block Count: 161,069 Power Cap: 5,053,485 Power Regen...
    3. Blood Born Angel

      Ships of Sotiris

      Hello everyone! Here is where all the ships that I create in StarMade based off of my forum story will go. It won't fill up too fast, but it'll get bigger the more time I have to spend on building AND writing simultaneously. I won't ramble on too long now, I'll just show you what I have. More...