
    1. Jake_Lancia

      Allow Decorative blocks to be slabbed

      A simple suggestion. Please allow decorative blocks like Decorative Computers, metal mesh, grills, etc, to be slabbed. This would open up more interior design options, like thin wall-mounted computer panels that would not take up as much space as a full block one would, or thinner mesh/grill...
    2. Cheapskate

      Slabs used in planet generation

      So, now that we got slabs, my first idea... is to implement it into planet panel generation. Adding slabs to planets would really give them a lot more detail and make them easier to traverse. The "Stuff confirmed so far" post talks about optimized planets, and I think making slab-based planets...
    3. GaeasSon

      Read by Schine Some blocks want to be slabs

      Hurrah! Slabs! Now.... It could be that I just completed a 15 hour shift at work. Or it could be chronic sleep deprivation. Or maybe it's just a y-hole flashback, but I's swear I hear the blocks talking to me. They are very excited about the new slabs, but I think they might be jealous of...
    4. P

      block creation? custom model? half block possibillities, request?

      hello, my name is Pirate_Ray / Avarus Lux, maybe some folks remember me from the mushroomfleet server, i return with the same question(s) i had back on the old website/forums; with the current (mod) system and available tools, would it be possible to create and insert a custom block with it's...