
    1. Jake_Lancia

      Modernised Skid Racing - Take Two

      Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to inform you that I will be resurrecting skid racing competitions on the NFD Build Server. Basically, this is a resurrection of Azereiah 's 'crazier' form of racing, which in itself was a resurrection of Saber 's original concept, albeit with modifications. Skid...
    2. ToasterBorst

      TTS Toast-e-Baggo M1

      ----- TOASTTECH NOTICE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ----- Trans Orbital Aero Space Telluric Technologies is pleased to announce its entry into the recreational vessel and luxury exploration market with the release of the long anticipated Toast Tech Toast-e-Baggo. An Aphrodite-Class vessel according...
    3. ephla442

      Trophies for Skid Racers

      After watching ToasterBorst, and GamingwithSaber work on their Skid Racer tracks, I thought I would make a trophy (that can only be spawned in by the server admin), that could be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place racers. It's always cool to win a prize, hopefully this would add an extra...