shop modules

    1. jordank321

      Planned Trading Commision

      This is going to be rather short but something I would like to see and hopeful something others want to see. In the shop modules trading section, could there be a setting where your buy and sell prices all set to -(input)% and +(input)% off the default shop prices. e.g. I would be able to set...
    2. Z

      Hide me plz!

      It would be preferable if shops on the trade network only showed their distance to your shop, not their locations. As there will be times when I want to put a shop somewhere besides home base, and would prefer it not become a shining beacon to every troll on the server as soon as I joined the...
    3. Benevolent27

      Recognized Personal Trading + Shop Modifications = More Player Interaction

      To me, trading is a big part of what allows players to interact with each other, and right now StarMade needs a way players can trade, besides placing a storage block down with a permission block next to it. The basic concept of what I am suggesting is to add personal trade screens and to...