shield management

    1. KuramaFox

      Directional Shields (does NOT replace current shields)

      Edit: Due to a request of interest from someone, I will start this post with a version of the idea that requires No New Blocks, which had initially appeared a few posts down. He suggested a separate topic for the idea, but I think its close enough to the current topic that I will simply move a...
    2. downedpilot

      New game mechanics that would diversify combat

      As we all know, combat in StarMade is very bland and seems to repeat the same formula, fire all your weapons as fast as you can and if your shields go down, give up, but I believe with the addition of some new features as well as the upcoming crewsystem will allow combat in StarMade to become...
    3. S

      Rejected Shield management

      Shield Management Hi Today I look to the shields; Their mechanism is pretty simple, that's why i have this: This is an exmple: the shield surround the ship without touching the blocs. With this we cand do an improvement, their management: The circles is an representation of the shield...