server broken crash

    1. La Phyzz

      Fixed -:- Private dedicated Server has suddenly started to bug out.

      Ok so I'm new to Starmade I've been playing for just over 3 weeks, I've had the server up for less than a week and I on it fine until about 14 hours ago. Now I stream as was recommend but everyone watching to change the max build area from 10 to 100, which I did about 2 hours ago. After I...
    2. Erth Paradine

      Log to syslog

      Request: Add support for logging to syslog (Linux & Mac), or EventLog (Windows). Rationale: Even when writing to SSDs, various server routines seem to block on logging I/O, and therefore slowdown server response times. Somewhat of a workaround, is that we've symlinked StarMade/logs/ to...
    3. Tomssuli

      [SOLVED] Error when trying to start server after a computer crash.

      Hi! I had my computer crash when Starmade server was on. The crash was due another program crashing that didn't have anything to do with Starmade. Now when I try to start my server, it stops to an error. Here's screencap from the server window: It just stops...