
    1. KRABBIT101

      Screenshot Folder

      I am trying to retrieve screenshots so I can post them with the blueprint I plan on uploading to this site. However, I do not know where to find the screenshots that I took. Does anyone know where the screenshot folder is?
    2. Jake_Lancia

      Ask Jake

      I'm following the trend of the previous two Councils and opening up a Q+A thread, where people can ask me my stance on issues, how I will represent you, and other Council-related business. My policies, in order of importance to me: PvP. It needs to be fixed. Right now it's a mess, and only...
    3. Blaza612

      Ask Blah things

      I'm going for council, so if ye know whats good for ye, vote for meh, and oppression shall reign victorious! \o/ This is an ask me anything for any of you still don't know about me from my VERY outdated application. And no, I don't actually want to be Hitler. :p
    4. Kimiyosis

      Just a Few Questions

      So just a few question...and maybe some more if I suddenly remember. 1)Are turrets on docked entities still active, or must they be directly attached to the mothership? 2)What's the longest chain-docking possible? 3)Is there a method to undock an entity using logic from within the mothership...