pvp starter

    1. IR0NSIGHT

      Bulldog corvette 2

      The bulldog is a medium sized missile corvette, outfitted with 2 fastfire turrets. Theres not much lore or anything else surrounding it, i built it out of boredom. It was built from a very old ship by Ramorill, which i butchered and completely changed its appearance. The ship has a full (even...
    2. NaStral

      LiCorp Redeemer Mk VI Long Range Patrol Craft [Legacy] 0.199.535

      The Redeemer has been one of those designs I couldn't simply let die so I instead dragged it through 6 different incarnations with the first one being built out of Isanth parts on Light Vs Dark's very first server. Since then it's been used as an issued ship for recruits to my old faction, a...