
    1. MacThule

      Vau Fighter 2017-06-12

      1 of 2 new fast-attack fleet swarmers with a fun vertical layout. This fighter is focused on sustained reduction of armor with only a light ion missile to suppress shield regeneration, the paired bomber is focused on high alpha shield reduction. This is a single-entity fighter. Add a few...
    2. Gmodism

      GI_Turret Cc-AP Defender JohnSilver Mk3-JS

      The Gmodism Industries Proudly Brings you: GI Turret Cc-AP Defender - JohnSilver The Defender originated as a defensive turret for planetary defence, however, turret engineer John Silver of the Gmodism Industries redesigned the turret to impressive elegance and efficiency, the commercial board...
    3. Deniz527

      Blackbird Adaptive Armor Upgrade (Effect Ressists) 2016-08-12

      As you can see at right top, ship has 2 different ressists that enhance its armor exactly 25 percent. It basicly increases armor hp 25% more and decrease penetration effect of piercing effect module by 25% with piercing and punch-through effect modules used as passively. After re-decorating...
    4. mrsinister

      Rift_Seeker 2.0f

      The Rift Seeker: Built primarily for war with all the latest weaponry, the Rift Seeker also comes equipped with a jump engine and some nice extra's. So whether your jumping around the verse looking for that next big battle or providing security escort for a private contract, know that the Rift...