no politics

    1. Ultragamer2000

      NP New Datlof Republic (Exp)

      New Datlof Republic An explanation: Explanation (why NDR exists) It was 2015 in minecraft, and the UMCA(United Minecrafters Army) had setup our first base on the moonbase server, where the war began. A powerful server dominating alliance, leaded by Zulu_Destroyer terrorized the server. People...
    2. Blaza612

      Star Corp. [Temporarily Closed]

      Welcome! Star Corp. is a corporation dedicated to bringing you fine ships. We've originated from Hiigarans, who were wiped out by an unknown race during the Hiigara - Vaygr war. As you may be able to tell, the Vaygr did quite a number on us, and we don't have any intention of going to war with...