
    1. MacThule

      Add value to adding value

      Please factor Value Added into the NPC market pricing structure. Why? Lack of added value in pricing doesn't just cripple trade, it cripples factions (and thus MP play in general). Consider these two examples: John has cobbled together a small miner. He asks if any factions need miners, but...
    2. Tunk

      Random and range options for recipe output configuration

      Pretty much a option for server owners or custom configs. Useful for things like scrapping, recycling and resource recipes. Would be useful if the output products had a xml property or tag that allowed outputs to mark the output as random with a percentage or 1/x chance. A range option for the...
    3. sayerulz

      Read by Council Changing how scrap works: how to make abandoned stations useful again

      So, I have noticed that it is fairly commonly agreed that salvaging abandoned stations simply isn't worth the trouble since they made them yield only scrap. This is due to the fact that scrap is only used for making into metal mesh and crystal composite- these being materials that, unless one...
    4. GalactusX

      Factory Outpost 2015-11-28

      Good to everyone, this is my small contribution to the community. How many times have we wanted to build a factory that while efficient, is also elegant to the eye (yes, I mean we always do these buildings putting together thousands of blocks without any reason). In this season I wanted to put...