inventory organization

    1. Aesthetics

      Shift clicking for quick movement of blocks to and from storage/inventory

      Clicking and dragging is a pain in the arse, so I would like to propose the idea of shift clicking on a block to quickly move it from one inventory/storage to another when said inventory/storage is open.
    2. P

      Recognized by Council Minor inventory tweaks

      I am suggesting these tiny changes not because they are despertly needed, but rather because they get anoying after a while of building. 1) Reseting the scroll bar when you start typing to search something in the creative or in the regular inventory. You may say, it olny takes 1-3 seconds...
    3. aytoms29

      Changed Gun Sprites/Models and How a Player's Character Model Should Interact with it.

      What do I mean? The idea of different weapon skins and sprites is to firstly: Make the weapons identifiable and the sprites easier to identify and secondly: make the shooting seem familiar for new players who might play more popular FPS game like CoD and lastly: giving the player a sense of...