
    1. solarapple


      Check the completed ship out here: http://starmadedock.net/content/apple-class-yc-10-dd-by-solar.3642/ (ALBUMS BELOW) Since I'm probably going to get grounded because school and report cards and stuff, and since I believe I could do more to this ship's exterior but don't know what, I've...
    2. Criss

      Amarr Dragoon: Standard Edition 1.0

      Today I am releasing the Amarr Dragoon This is a destroyer designed for disrupting enemy power levels.. There is a pod permanently fitted to the ship. There is also an escape on this ship. Here is the video release. You can expect one of these with every ship I post for download. Smaller...
    3. Criss

      Sisters of EVE Astero: Standard Edition 2.0

      Today I am releasing the Sisters of EVE Astero. This is an exploration ship designed for recovering lost technology in space. There is a pod permanently fitted to the ship. Here is the video release. You can expect one of these with every ship I post for download. Smaller ships will not get...