
    1. JohnLardinois

      Read by Council Navigation Overhaul! Autopilot, Cruise Control, Highways, and More!

      All New System... The Navigation System The Nav Computer provides many new features: It is in charge of your map, it’s range, it’s waypoints, and filters. Includes a Cruise Control system with throttle limits, throttle floors, and auto throttle! Includes an Autopilot setting for the busy...
    2. Benevolent27

      Brainstorm This Adding some excitement to combat - Small Ships - DOT Weapons - Hacking and more!

      Ok, hello there. Sit down and have some tea. So with the current state of thrust, weapons available, and turrets, there really isn't a whole lot that a smaller ship can do in most of the PVP fights I've seen. What I've noticed is that large titan ships just sit there and rely on their turrets...
    3. JNC

      Friend or Foe

      Hi guys! So here's the issue; in order for another person to be "friendly" towards you they have to be part of your faction, or you both have to adjust your faction standings toward one another, in order for your ships not to shoot at eachother... right? Why not make a FoF (Friend or Foe)...