
    1. DeepspaceMechanic

      PLEIADES FLEET - The Seven Sisters of StarMade v1.2

      :bigdipper: INTRODUCTION :bigdipper: Cyberspace Shipyards proudly presents the Pleiades Fleet: perhaps one of the best examples in StarMade of a uniformly styled, multirole fleet of high-quality spacecraft. Choose these seven sleek, minimalistic, futuristic ships if you desire to perform your...
    2. Airnac

      Icarus Corvette (1.0) 2018-08-23

      The Icarus corvette has a lot of empty space in the ships to allow for further modifications in the ship. This allows for many different variants to be built off of this base model. I called it Icarus because while I was building the ship, I accidentally flew to close to a star that damaged me...
    3. greatmatt

      HS Paladin Mk. 1

      Greetings Humans!!! Today, Singularity Industries presents you another vertical vessel, the HS Paladin. This ship of Chronos's post human fleet was designed to easily annihilate fighter squadrons and even vessels of bigger sizes thanks to it's powerful shields and high speed. Military...
    4. greatmatt

      HS Zealot Mk. 1

      Greetings Humans!!! Today, Singularity Industries presents you it's first vertical ship, the HS Zealot. This small ship of Chronos's post human fleet is the equivalent to a fighter in a common fleet in terms of numbers but four times more powerful. Military Equipment: 2 Laser Beam Turrets...
    5. greatmatt

      HS Spearhead Satellite Mk 1

      Greetings Humans!!! Today, Singularity Industries presents you the latest in satellite technology, the Spearhead Satellite, designed to be sent to planetary orbit and bring destruction to it's inhabitants. It is much more powerful than the Halberd Satellite. Military Equipment: 4 Long...
    6. greatmatt

      HS Behemoth Mech Mk 1

      Greetings Humans!!! Today, Singularity Industries presents you a brand new ground unit, the HS Behemoth Mech. This quadruped mech was designed to be sent to planets with advanced civilizations and conquer them alongside smaller ground units. Military Equipment: 1 Energy Beam Behemoth...
    7. greatmatt

      HS Shuttle MK 1

      Greetings Humans!!! Today, Singularity Industries presents you a small but very important ship, the HS Shuttle. It's primary function is to carry small squads of troops anywhere necessary to deal with small tasks but is also used as a escape shuttle by the biggest HS ships. Information...
    8. greatmatt

      HS Halberd Satellite Mk. 1

      Greetings Humans!!! Today, Singularity Industries presents you the latest in satellite technology, the Halberd Satellite, designed to be sent to planetary orbit and bring destruction to it's inhabitants. Military Equipment: 4 Long Cannon Turrets (Damage Beam) 2 Point-Defense Turrets...
    9. greatmatt

      HS Harbinger Mk.1

      Greetings Humans!!! Today, Singularity Industries presents you the first conqueror of worlds employed by the Human Singularity, this vessel was designed to be sent to worlds, destroy their civilizations, collect living samples and prepare it for colonization. Military Equipment: 4...