
    1. jaeemo

      Athena Class Cruiser Mk III

      The Athena Class Cruiser is a 366 x 108 x 73m harbringer of death, with a highly effective assortment of weapons. Packing an array of 10 rapid, explisive AMC:s, two dual arrays of sniper missiles, one dual array of nukes and two arrays of shield busting ion mazer with a DPS of over 6 million...
    2. Micro753

      Read by Council Pirates Don't Fire On Escape Pods

      Change pirates so that they do not shoot at ships that have only thrust and power for their system blocks, only basic hull and decor. blocks as structure blocks, and are less than a certain mass (configurable in the server cfg file). Unless you are the only ship in the area; then they will still...
    3. flett044

      infinity frigate WIP 2016-06-06

      This ship is a work in progress. I am not posting any stats because those are going to change in mk3. Let em know in the comments what else is need to do. ( yes i know its block y, the hull isn't done.)