docked generator

    1. KuramaFox

      Suggested Fuel Reactors (does NOT replace current reactors)

      Disclaimer: if actually added, "Fusion Reactor" would be a better name for the suggested blocks. I called it Fuel Reactor to only to convey as much about the suggestion as I could in two words. As the title says, this is not a replacement for the current reactors. The current reactor blocks...
    2. Master_Artificer

      RSI - Really Simple Injector 2015-12-17

      plug it into a standard dock and it auto-activates. Make it pretty or something I guess. What you get is on the left. What you could use this for is on the right. Now you too can use this to be like the starwars. (warning. being like the starwars is not included) (because it SUCKS)...
    3. Camo5

      Permacloaking docked Power Generator setup

      So I've been messing around with docked generators, now that they have finally reduced the lag to almost nothing for 40+ docked entities at once, and I came up with some numbers on a docked generator setup efficient enough to allow the mothership it is docked to, to permacloak. Permacloaking...
    4. Camo5

      Mega Stealth Destroyer (WiP 20%) 2015-09-15

      A project I have been working on for a few months now on and off, slowly gathering details of the most block efficient power generator setups, and have come up with this. 80 docked generators made of 594 power generators each producing 745164 e/s (1254.5 e/block) Theoretically, with 98%...