
    1. Lukwan

      Planned Directional Push computer.

      More exciting maneuvering: Make the push-computer directional like weapon computers so that the push-modules apply force in the direction the computer is facing. [For the passive effect on the ship.]
    2. JNC

      Thrust Management by thruster group

      Can we get some additional options in the thrust management window that allow us to manage either specific thruster groups or all groups, etc. This way, for example, we could designate a specific group of thrusters that are on the side of a ship to only provide sideways thrust to the thrust pool!
    3. KuramaFox

      Directional Shields (does NOT replace current shields)

      Edit: Due to a request of interest from someone, I will start this post with a version of the idea that requires No New Blocks, which had initially appeared a few posts down. He suggested a separate topic for the idea, but I think its close enough to the current topic that I will simply move a...
    4. HolyCookie

      Directional Enemy Scanner Level X D.E.S. 2016-01-07

      Inspired by the enemy detector, I developed the DES I am fighting for enemy awareness, everyone should be aware of an enemy nearby, every day, hundreds of people die because they weren't aware. This is why I release this top class piece of high-tech innovation to you. To make enemy unawareness...
    5. skunkiferous

      Directional Thrusters

      I have been told that "directional thrusters" are coming. I would like to know if one can "future proof" a new ship by adding thrusters in all 6 possible directions now (which makes no difference at the moment), or if I'll have to rebuild the ship anyway when that update comes out?