
    1. Dalmont

      SFW. Vale RC1

      Sioux Fleetworks is happy to present, for your consideration, the SFW. Vale. This over-clocked covert operations vessel will undoubtedly bring the element of surprise to any theater of action. Features: -Cloak, Jam, Charge Jump, and 22% Overdrive (All at once.) or -Cloak, Jam, Overdrive (When...
    2. alterintel

      ISS Raven 2015-07-05

      Presenting the ISS Raven (ISS = Independent Scout Ship) The perfect ship to scout behind enemy lines. With Pretty much full hull covering, this ship will allow you to perma-cloak on any RP server. This ship not only supports perma-cloaking, but it also sports a 6 sec quick charge jump drive...