cargo vessel

    1. M

      Poddubny class cargo shuttle 1.0

      Specifications Ship mass: 104,3 tons (empty) Ship power levels: 96 840 e; 15 761,9 e/s Ship measures: 25m (l) x 9m (h) x 9m (w) Ship engine: Thrust: 226,6 MN Power consumption: 4 300 e/s Ship top speed: 200,4 m/s (empty) Ratio to mass: 2,2 Rotational potential X: 2,0; Y: 2,1; Z: 3,7 Ship...
    2. Guard13007

      I-Beam Transport Mk1

      The I-Beam Transport is designed to be lightweight and carry a large number of Guard13007 Industries' Cargo Pods. Compatible with v2 pods and the upcomming v3m pods. 085c3fd8b66a4b00bec16fbdc3c266e5 I- Beam Transport Mk1 by Guard13007 on Sketchfab Travel is powered via a 3-module chain drive...