cannon cannon explosive

    1. Gmodism

      GI_Turret Cc-EXP Phalanxis Mk1

      The Gmodism Industries Proudly Brings you: GI Turret Phalanxis The Phalanxis is based on the Phalanxus AMS turret, however unnecessary systems have been removed and structural integrity has been improved to make a turret that is dedicated to take out fighters and drones, this is the EXPLOSIVE...
    2. jijiji

      New cannon/explosive mechanics

      Hello! I guess cannon/explosive should to work in another way. [Cannon/explosive] Now we have cannon/explosive weapon that does damage to nearby blocks and makes a lot of lags if it's cannon/cannon/explosive. I suggest you to change mechanics of cannon/explosive: make them explode without...
    3. solarapple

      Plasma scatter turret 2015-11-19

      This is a simple turret I've made for my new ship and many to come. It's a Cannon Cannon Explosive turret that does around 900 DPS. Also, it actually has a color scheme this time. And the name doesn't have the word apple in it.