
    1. DeepspaceMechanic

      PLEIADES FLEET - The Seven Sisters of StarMade v1.2

      :bigdipper: INTRODUCTION :bigdipper: Cyberspace Shipyards proudly presents the Pleiades Fleet: perhaps one of the best examples in StarMade of a uniformly styled, multirole fleet of high-quality spacecraft. Choose these seven sleek, minimalistic, futuristic ships if you desire to perform your...
    2. josemik

      Taiidan Corvettes 1:1 Scale v2

      Dont forget to check updates :) Looks like a lot of people liked the Taiidan fighters, so i decided to do the entire taiidan empire, so here are some of their corvettes The repair corvertte will be added soon, i need to find a way to fit it with the game, maybe with Astro Technobeams? I...
    3. josemik

      Taiidan Fighters 1:1 Scale v2

      Dont forget to check updates :) After some work trying to figure the lenght of the homeworld ships on starmade and playing around with SMEdit, i was able to import all the taiidan ships to the game, the problem is that they have no colors, no modules, just and empty hull, so i decided to start...