bobby ai modules

    1. DrTarDIS

      AI, display modules, Scripting. Possible low-cost improvements. Plea for tools

      Thinking of the insatiable derpyness of AI, and thinking fondly of the days of CS server-bots, I had an epiphany. The LUA stuff gave me an idea of the way development seems to be planned. What if The Ai not-oly had a default set of scripted actions, they could be over-ridden by an active...
    2. P

      Problems with turrets

      I recently added some turrets to a ship of mine, and I noticed they weren't working, so I went to the AI module and it was set to ship for some reason. so I set them all to turrets and went back, and they still weren't firing, so I went back to the ai module and it was set to ship again, so I...
    3. Spinbom

      Bobby AI settings

      Can somebody explain to me to the full extend how the option "Any" effects the turret? On the wiki it said that it only attacks "red" enemies. (Enemies/hostile or whatever) Does that mean neutrals and my factions members will not be attacked by my turret?
    4. kingreaper1234

      In Developement bobby AI mining drones

      i was thinking maby AI drones could be made to go out and mine a sector, possibly picked by the player. also i saw that other factions were being added so maby enemy factions can take over territory and will target AI drones
    5. MTGraves

      Read by Council Docked entity limits? Simpler Turret system

      First off, I'd like to apologize if this topic has been addressed. I couldn't find it, but that's not to say that I may just have no clue on what to type in the search bar. Ok, so most if not all servers have rules that limit ship size/ block count to reduce server, and with that they also...
    6. CiccioBaslardo

      Turret don't shoot T.T (how to solve)

      If someone got this problem, the solution is "make Bobby the master of shipcore and the shipcore master of the computer you desire". The Bobby module is a AI for the shipcore. It can't use directly the computer, but the shipcore can do this for him. When you make it master of something, you...
    7. Benevolent27

      Bobby AI Modules, Crew Members, and Wireless Logic Blocks

      Hi! So, I looked around a bit at different crew member suggestions before posting here and didn't see anything quite like my idea, so I'm posting it! My idea has a few parts, but is quite simple. First: Allow Bobby AI modules to be connected to a wireless logic block. When connected to...