black holes

    1. NeonSturm

      3.49 dimensional space-time (no neg-sign, no zero) for black-hole-sectors

      BTW: Tags need to be lowercase, alnum and no white-space before comparison / tag-suggestions. Black Hole sectors should have less time-flow. And the faster you are, the slower time should flow (time-dilation), max time-slow=50%? Factories/Logic,etc could produce at Delta-T per entity and a...
    2. WitherFireGaming

      Wormholes, Black Holes, and White Holes, Three Separate Entities

      One thing that has both thrilled and bugged me is the wormholes currently in game. Sure, they are useful for hopping from one place to another, but act like black holes, and there are no black holes. My solution is to make them two separate things: Wormholes: Structures that look like they...