
    1. Osborn14

      Aeses Fact. HUGIN V1

      Welcome to the Æses Factory, Today, following the release of our fighter, we present you HUGIN a pretty heavy fregate to patrol arround system to keep peace Features : - turrets : - 9 AMS - 7 anti-aircraft - Power : 1.6M e/s -Shields : 1.5M HP || 10K hp/s -Hangar -Red...
    2. Osborn14

      Aeses Fact. fighter V1

      Welcome to the Æses Factory, (ship in background HUGIN now released) here we present you our standard fighter. a tiny ship with only 32m long and 15m height for 21 width. it's got a 17k e/s reactor fully stabilize on board. it's propelled by twin thruster which give it a mass ratio of 4.2...
    3. Osborn14

      Aeses Fact. Elias 1.0

      Welcome to the Æses Factory, This is the first ship of the factory, hope others follow soon. What about Elias, the ship itself: The ship have a mass of 17k however, it remain at 2.1 trust/mass ratio with 260m/s. It makes 174m long for 85m width and 37m tall. More it comes with 4 AMS turrets...