Search results

    1. Lord DarkSide

      Planet Devbuild Help

      That's new for me. I use often Google for Linux knowledge (Google know all and over all). That must be in the SM-Wiki. I love Notepad++ on my WinSux OS to scripting.
    2. Lord DarkSide

      Planet Devbuild Help

      I think that's only for use windows systems, not for Linux or Mac. If i am wrong thing, then tell it me please. I don't know a Linux Version of the program.
    3. Lord DarkSide

      New Launcher Release (Steam)

      And then are the download version ( Not Steam) next update't?
    4. Lord DarkSide

      Pirate Station / Ships to capture?

      Big thx Folks 4 that great information. I'll try it in my local game. ;-) nice idea ;-)
    5. Lord DarkSide

      Pirate Station / Ships to capture?

      Is it possible to capture them? And then yes, that i need to do ?
    6. Lord DarkSide

      The Gmodism Industries [ GI ]

      I look 4 automatic Miner ships (Prospector <--- thats right?), that unload at my Home base the res... 4 my factories. And defend ships for my Home Base. --- I ask because i am not real understand the Buildlogic's, i am only found old tuturial of SM and our WIKI are out of date...! And in the old...
    7. Lord DarkSide

      The Gmodism Industries [ GI ]

      Is it possible to make tutorial that are up to date of the release of SM now ?
    8. Lord DarkSide

      How to report a bug

      There are the location to upload the SM error.log file? I have some sound error, i can play without sound after the notice from the game at startscreen. I have add the Logfile here
    9. Lord DarkSide


      I miss a button to merge all items on one stack , if i drop item in it without looking for a stack are presend. Then click on them and then sort them all on one stack.
    10. Lord DarkSide

      Tuturial to build fabr. and so / suche Anleitung für Fabrikbau und mehr

      I mean a real tuturial, were step 4 step are written is with (mark yx Block push/press C then push V on storageblock). I miss that as YT Video tut and in the SM Wiki, so that can understand a boon. In our wiki are so really rare user there help to fill or translate it in other language. In...
    11. Lord DarkSide

      Linux and OSX users needed

      Ok thx 4 that hint. MicroDUMP will be stop the win7 support. I'll use both, Mint 19.x stable relase and WinSUX 10.
    12. Lord DarkSide

      Masurmend / Vermessung - Blocks

      Hi folks, i have mean that one. yardstick [measuring stick], folding meter stick, carpenter's rule, folding rule. At Groovrider: No metter, i am online from the 80'th with my first PC , 486 DX2 66 with build in Modemcard in my tower ;-)
    13. Lord DarkSide

      Masurmend / Vermessung - Blocks

      SL is a voxel game. ok i forgotten you a N**P in that ^^ Tu plare italiano, tu cemo? <--- Italien Und nun überstezt mal was ich hier scheibe Du obergamer kackb**n namens Nauvran. >---german Welcome in my ignore list, and feel fine in there. Learn a other language as your nativ one, you ...
    14. Lord DarkSide

      Masurmend / Vermessung - Blocks

      I know a build tool out of the game SecondLife near 12 years, there we use a massuring textur with circles and line overview as build help tool. That was easy and very fast help stuf, like quick and dirty tool, we have love that- My idea was only so in that kind, fast and easy tool, on that kind...
    15. Lord DarkSide

      Masurmend / Vermessung - Blocks

      Did you know the game Secondlife ? Then yes, did you know how to use that. ;-)
    16. Lord DarkSide

      Tuturial to build fabr. and so / suche Anleitung für Fabrikbau und mehr

      I look for a tuturial there explay me that block with that block on that way to kombinate to a fabr. as sample. I dont fount a point to point tuturial , only very old Gibt es wo eine genaue Anleitung zb. für den genauen Block zu block Anleitung zb. welche blocks mit welchen kombiniert werden...
    17. Lord DarkSide

      Masurmend / Vermessung - Blocks

      Hi Folks. My idea is blocks with numbers on all 6 side, so we can see how many block long the object are. So we can use that to build easy big objects or control them the size of them. The idea is from 1,2 ........ 100, ......5000 to count As a new kind of block, as buildhelper Look my sample pic.
    18. Lord DarkSide

      Linux and OSX users needed

      Thx for that hint, ill try that. //Edit I use linuxmint 19.x (relase), Java,pyton and so are installed, that are my try and learn system. With LAMP Server and many more. ;-)
    19. Lord DarkSide

      Textur error or bug?

      Hi folks. If the Texture pack corrupt, there can i the default pack download?
    20. Lord DarkSide

      Textur error or bug?

      After the last update install suddenly i've see other textur on all blocks. Is that a config fail or game problem? Then a config fail, that i need to do? --- Nach dem letzten update waren die Texturen plötzlich ganz anderes als normal. Ist das ein config fehler oder ein game fehler? Wenn ein...