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    1. H

      Is it worth playing just for singleplayer?

      So guys, i abandoned this game several times because I dont like too much pvp and multiplayer, I enjoy more sp stuff. I left with the power 2.0 update. Is it worth to start playing again alone? Is there enougth PvE content as to have some hours or fun? Or just kill 2 or 3 cheap pirates, mine a...
    2. H

      Should I play if I do singleplayer? (AKA if the pve is worth?)

      What do you think guys? I mean.. is it really worth to play now if I play alone? Is there enought content?
    3. H

      Anyone willing to help a newbie who wants to learn?

      Well, thanks very much! If anyone stills want to dm me feel free
    4. H

      Is it a bug that salvage lasers last less than the actual minning?

      Oh well, I thought i was glitching with the block in the hand thing. Feels unbalanced if you are a pro clicker
    5. H

      Is it a bug that salvage lasers last less than the actual minning?

      After the lassers dissapear, the minning continues. Is it a common bug? Also, why if i have nothing in the hand, minning takes more time but if i have a block I can instamine?
    6. H

      Anyone willing to help a newbie who wants to learn?

      Thanks guys! I'm joining you when I can!
    7. H

      Anyone willing to help a newbie who wants to learn?

      Hello guys! I've always seen StarMade, heard a lot and played sometimes but I could never get totally in. I have a lot of questions, I know close to nothing about this game. I tried to find guides and stuff in the wiki, but all the videos I find are 3+ years old or I can't understand properly...
    8. H

      Can I order a fabric to craft something, and make all fabrics do the same?

      So basically, can I click, for example, to make a salvage module, and an array of fabrics make lots of salvage modules? Just clicking to craft it in ONE single fabric?