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    1. Cornchip

      Can I make a ship not span 5 sectors to properly space the reactor and stabiliazers?

      I have a salvage ship, and I have salvage beams. However, they take a lot of power. Currently, my salvager is incredibly long, just to get my stabilizers to 40% efficiency, but the more salvage beams I add, the more reactors I need, and the longer it gets. I would like a way to make my ship not...
    2. Cornchip

      How to effectively protect yourself with shields (Power 2.0)

      I haven't done much testing with the shields, but from what I've seen from them they now protect you in bubbles made bigger by the amount of rechargers you have. You can increase that bubble's capacity by adding more shield capacitor blocks inside the bubble. The capacitors also charge faster...
    3. Cornchip

      How do I make a salvager without a negative integrity? (Power 2.0)

      So I'm just starting to figure out the power 2.0 update, but one thing I've noticed is that a lot of things have to be grouped into cubes, or their integrity will be negative. However, for salvage beams this really can't be done because they need to be separated into long lines to get the most...