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    1. Groumpf

      Blueprints : simple GUI QOL

      If you're like me, with only two ships my blueprint manager is a mess. I have the hull only, WIP versions, test vesion, different final versions... So, what about a simple sytem like this : The ship could be saved under something like ship##version and name/version would be retrieved when...
    2. Groumpf

      Wireless stays activated while slaved to button

      Edit : nevermind, that's a bug which can be reproduced with this setup : Whenever you switch to the right flipflop, the docked wireless stays stuck activated. Time to register on the bugtracker and check if the bug is already known :)
    3. Groumpf

      Fresh player feedback

      Hi everyone, new player here ! Since this game has been available for a while, I thought feedback from a fresh player perspective could be interesting. Disclaimer : - I took notes as I was discovering the game, so great wall of china text incoming - I often discovered that problems with the...